The issue of security is one that is very important. A threat to security is sometimes more than a threat to just security. It usually precedes to a bigger threat. As a result of this, people tend to take significant and sometimes drastic measures towards combating security threats. They sometimes end up going beyond necessary in a bid to ensure security. Imagine someone walking about with a recording pen clipped to his breast pocket. You will not feel comfortable engaging that person in a conversation. This brings me to my next line of discussion. There is a very thin and not too clear line between ensuring security and invading people's privacy.

Sometimes we do not have an idea about how much our actions affect others. The motion activated hidden cameras installed in your backyard may capture an awkward picture. The picture may be one showing your neighbor closing her blinds half dressed. This instance like a host of other is very debatable as we cannot draw a clear line as to who is at fault. This debate is also applicable to the workplace. It is no news that most corporate firms install cameras at strategic places for the sake of security. There is still a question as to which places should have cameras and which places should not have. We are yet to tackle that one and the issue of hidden cameras is already grabbing the spotlight. Ask an admin staff and he or she will give you a million and one reasons why it ensures safety. Ask the average worker the same question and he or she will give you a million reasons why it invades his or her privacy. The idea of an argument is to reach an agreeable conclusion. The focus of this article is to bring out the truth about hidden cameras installation at workplaces. Hopefully, you can learn from it and apply this information to other areas such as the school and even your home.

They should not be used alone

The idea is to discourage workers from engaging in reputation damaging acts not to catch them in the act. It is not advisable to use hidden cameras alone. Doing this will make you look like you are more interested in catching workers in the act than discouraging them from doing it. This does not mean you should place your hidden camera alongside your regular surveillance technology. You can use it to augment for your regular surveillance by placing them at the blind spots of your usual surveillance or using them as another level of surveillance on its own.

They are limited to specific areas as regular cameras

The fact that your workers cannot see them does not mean that you can put them everywhere. Just like regular cameras, hidden cameras are limited to places of installation. You cannot place them inside a restroom no matter the situation. The best you can do is place them in such a way that they capture who or what goes into and out of that restroom. You can place them in the reception, waiting area, offices and so on. The thought of hidden cameras creep people already, do not push it to the extreme.


Not everyone should know about their positions

The question of "who should know if there are hidden cameras?" may be up for debate. The question of "who should know about its position?" is not questionable. Human beings are very good and can be good at doing some things that are not too good as well. If everybody knows about the position of your hidden cameras else they cease to be hidden. Even if you have to reveal their location, it should be to departmental heads so that you will be able to know who to put your searchlights on when there is a security breach. You can tell your workers that you have security cameras that ate keeping watch over them. You should also reassure them that it will protect them and will not invade their privacy.

They are subject to state laws

This one is not debatable and you very much have no say over it. You go against it and you risk a lawsuit. To be honest, the law is very harsh when it comes to the use of hidden cameras. It will save you from a lot of trouble, to know what the law states about the use of hidden cameras in your region. Do not joke with this aspect in terms of knowledge and implementation. Some of the instances stated in this writeup may even be against the law in some states or countries.

Security is very important as there will not be growth and development without it. Privacy is equally important as people tend to consider issues like this when they are past that stage of security as a source of motivation. In the workplace, you must be diplomatic about it to ensure your workers give their optimal efforts.