Want to Turn a Household Item Into a Streaming Camera? Get a DIY Hidden Camera Kit

We all want to feel safe and secured, and there's nothing as assuring as knowing that you've got the type of video surveillance whose location is known to you alone. Hidden cameras are awesome, and there's a simple DIY camera that you should definitely be on the lookout for:
The DIY Build-Your-Own Black Box Hidden Camera Kit w/ DVR:
If there's one DIY hidden camera that will definitely get the job done, it's this one here. Check out its details:
Video resolution:
This hidden camera comes with 720p color HD video. With this, you can rest assured that the video you get on this camera will be sharp and in clear HD. Essentially you'll be able to pinpoint what activities are going on effortlessly. Also, the lens is a true CC camera lens. It has a very wide angle, so you can rest assured that you'll be able to see most of your room.
Memory details:
With an additional 32 GB memory card, you can rest assured that you won't ever run out of memory space. It comes with adjustable frame rate controls, and this means you'll be able to capture weeks of video footage. You can also "hot swap" a filled memory card with a blank one without missing a second of footage.
Time stamping:
All the video footage has been time-stamped, and this will provide sufficient proof of when an event occurred.
Simple setting for payback and memory overwriting:
The hidden camera is ready to go immediately you unpack it. Just plug it into an outlet, and you're all set. If you'll like to change a setting, you can use the included remote once the AV-in and AV-out from the camera is connected to your TV or monitor. You should also know that new video automatically overwrites the oldest footage when the SD card gets filled up unless you'll like for that setting to be changed.
Continuous loop mode:
With motion activated recording, you can set the camera to capture only the action, as opposed to having to sit through hours watching an empty room. However, you can also set the camera to always record, regardless of whether there's someone in the room or not. Just remember the rule on memory overwriting.
Ready-to-go package:
Once you get it out of the box, plug it into an outlet, and it starts recording. Also, in case of power outage, your system will start and record with the same settings as before.
Optional 20-hour battery included:
If you need to place the camera somewhere without an outlet, then just pop in the optional battery, and you can rest assured of 20 hours of uninterrupted power.
1-year warranty:
Your investment is protected for a full year with the warranty.