6 reasons security gadgets are not an option, but a need!
The world is filled with threats, especially to human beings. Earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, floods and a host of others. We have been doing our best so far to combat these threats. The problem is sometimes not from nature; we sometimes cause our own problems. The issue of flooding, for example, is not always as a result of natural happenings. We sometimes indirectly cause our own misfortune. You see a lot of people building houses on the wrong places not to mention the manner in which we sometimes dispose of our waste. Statistics has it that by the year 2100 hundred there will be more plastic than fish in the sea if we do not learn to recycle. The cases mentioned above are those we "indirectly" inflict on ourselves. Things are now so bad we now inflict damage on ourselves.
We have barely gone beyond halfway into the year and the stats of robbery and kidnapping cases is very much rising. The problem is not just the fact that there is a threat, the problem is how well this threat is developing. It seems like security measures are the ones playing catch up in comparison with the tactics of criminals and intruders. They now know the wires to cut in disabling both your regular camera and dash cam with night vision such that the alarms will not go off. Rumors are already going around that intruders can now detect the position of your spy cameras by using some sophisticated technique. Imagine all these threats possible even with the presence of security measures. You may as well imagine what is the fate of a home or office without security gadgets. This writeup will give you six out of the many reasons why security gadgets are not an option but a need.
They are proactive security measures
The difference between prior security gadgets and the current ones is the fact that they do not just defend you. They take the fight to the intruder and make them think twice before invading your home or office. A smart doorbell with motion sensors will notify you of the presence of someone at your door even before the person touches it. This causes the bell to ring inside the house or office before the person rings it outside. This is not just the regular alarm that waits until something is touched before going off. To beat this security system, the intruder has to figure out how to disarm the doorbell without even getting close to it. This is not an easy task I can assure.
They are also good backup or contingency measures
It is no new thing that things do not always go according to plan no matter how much care we take into ensuring they do. The manufacturers of security gadgets know this and also made provision for cases like this. It is very hard if not impossible to beat a modern day security gadget and get away with it. Permit me to still use the smart doorbell example once more. That doorbell will not just be able to detect movement unless it has sensors. Cameras usually come with sensors. This means that it is almost definitive that the doorbell will have a camera. This doorbell will also have a means of storing information. Information such as the various people that come within its area of sensitivity. So even if the intruder manages to bypass it, it will still have a record of the intruder. This gives you an upper hand in your search for answers to the question of "how did it happen?"
They deter intruders or criminals
Criminals are human beings; they are neither ghosts nor spirits. This means that they think before they act. They will weigh the consequences of an action before taking it. They will weigh the risks against the rewards and check if the odds are in their favor. Considering the qualities of modern day gadgets, they are most likely to turn down the idea of wanting to break your security system. Sometimes we are the ones that give people the intention to engage in criminal acts. When you do not take security measures, you give people the intention to take advantage of you. Having security gadgets will deter wannabe criminals from taking that action. Only a daredevil will still embark on a move against modern security gadgets. He or she will most likely fail.
They are smarter than before
They are smarter than before and equal if not above the threat. The kind of security gadgets available now projects fear into the heart of an average criminal minded person. Manufacturers are not just producing specific gadgets. They are producing multipurpose gadgets that will look regular to an average individual. Hidden cameras are not actually hidden but are taking a less obvious position in plain sight. Motion activated hidden cameras are no longer business as usual. They no longer capture images of any moving object. They now have a face detection feature and will only take pictures of something big enough to be a threat.
Increased number and advanced manner of security threats
Let us leave the gadgets and talk about the threats. If you think security gadgets are the only things evolving, then you need to think again. Human beings with criminal intents are also evolving their tactics. They are also employing gadgets of their own. If they can get close enough to your camera they can bug it and be able to control it remotely. This way you may think all is well looking at the image your camera is displaying, not knowing what you are seeing is not what is happening. Wired cameras are also a playground for criminals who know which wires to court and when to cut them. They will do this so quickly and smartly that your alarm will not even go off.
They ensure that you are always on top of every situation
The smartness of modern-day security gadgets is what makes them special. Instead of trying to beat intruders at their own game, they give you an advantage by bringing the game to your own playground. The extra tight security ensures that intruders hardly breakthrough. Even when they do, these security gadgets ensure they keep their footprints for investigation purposes. Another way security gadgets keep you on top of the situation is by sending you real-time notifications of happenings within your home or office. With the right app, internet connection and a smartphone, you can keep watch over your home and office from wherever you are. Your security gadgets will tell you who came in, who left and the point they came in or left. The beauty of it is that you get the notification as at when it is happening not even minutes later.
Security measures are very important for us in this present day. It comes in handy when safeguarding your home or your office. It protects you and your family while also helping you keep an eye on places you are away from. This way, you do not have to bother about not been around your home or office. With a security gadget in place, you can keep watch using your mobile device. You may not be totally safe with the use of security gadgets but you are totally unsafe without them.