Reasons why we all need a Dashcam: Documenting trips
Some of the best vacations are road trips. What begins as a way to get from Point A to Point B often turns into an unforgettable journey. You always end up finding something weird, exciting, or both on the way—something that you never planned for. This slightly cheesy, incredibly weird, at times cringe-worthy, but inexplicably endearing video of a man searching for the best club sandwich in America is a perfect example of how a dashcam can be used to record your own adventure. Sure, the quest for an awesome club sandwich is pretty compelling on its own, but the sights and change of scenery along the way quickly become the real focus of the video. What are you waiting for? Start recording your own adventur and be sure to share it with us!!
Read Part 6 HERE
Still thinking about the reasons you might need a Dashcam? Read What is a Dashcam, and Do I need one? !